Throughout 2021 the cost of cardboard went through the roof, rising almost every six weeks by as much 10% at a time. Also and in 2021 we saw some big rises in fuel charges resulting in many couriers having to levy a number of surcharges. We did however vow to keep our prices low and absorb as many of these costs as we could without increasing the minimum charge for carriage paid. Which we did, none of our products had a price increase and we didn't raise the minimum order value. And we will remain committed to being one of the most competitive and valued wholesalers of great products. However, with more fuel surcharges being levied and another cardboard increase looming, we have had to take a tough decision to increase our minimum order spend. Which for the vast majority of our customers, this won't effect.
From the 1st March 2022, the minimum nett order value for free delivery with rise to £75 with orders under this value having a carriage charge applied.
If you are looking for ways to fill up your basket, the clearance section is always a great place to grab yourselves a bargain!
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